Town of Sharon

Community Preservation Committee

Meeting Minutes of 10/25/12

Amended and Approved on 11/14/12

Sharon Town Hall

Filmed by SCTV


Committee Attendees

Corey Snow, Chair 

Jane Desberg, Treasurer   

Peg Arguimbau

Susan Rich  

Allen Garf  - absent

Anne Bingham 

Marc Bluestein




Alice Cheyer

Karen Friedman

Larry Seggelin

Carl Gladstone

Eric Hooper

Peter O’Cain


Meeting Initiation

Chair Snow called the meeting to order at 7:12pm. He stated that there was a proposal for Rattle Snake Hill that he thought would come before the CPC but that it is now off the table for Fall Town Meeting. He introduced Chair Karen Friedman of the Sacred Heart Reuse Committee to review the proposal.


Sacred Heart

Chair Karen Friedman of the Sacred Heart Reuse Committee said that since the last meeting, she altered/adjusted the proposal to show that the project will be done in two phases. The first is the tear down portion and the second portion is to ask for funds to design and assess the property. The creation of a small field is not part of this proposal.


Ms. Bingham suggested removing all language referencing a field if it is included in this proposal. Ms. Friedman said she left pictures in the package of the field as a reference point only.  Ms. Friedman also commented that the SHRC met with the Recreation Advisory Committee and they want the field creation to be a separate process as they are still awaiting a new Recreation Director. Ms. Friedman said that no funding is sought through this appropriation.


Ms. Bingham says she wants to strike the estimate for field creation on parcel F from the proposal.


Chair Snow said that were funding appropriated at the December Town Meeting, what is the time estimate to start the tear down process.


Mr. O’Cain, Town Engineer said that this is not a weather dependent project. If the bid can be issued quickly, the tear down can begin once a contractor is approved. The structure can be raised regardless of the weather. He said a silt fence and hay bales can be placed around the property for protection. There are no conservation issues. He spoke with Greg Meister who thought there would be a short notice of intent. He reiterated that it would be a quick process. He thinks now is the time to do this.


Mr. Gladstone of the SHRC stated that Selectmen Powell raised a concern that if the building came down and a plan was not ready to go then he didn’t think a field would be built. He said there is an agreement with the selectmen that phase 2 would be worked on before the building came down.


Mr. O’Cain said that if we wait until next Town Meeting, there would be a conflict with sports. It is better to do it now he stated.


Ms. Bingham said she would like public input on phase 2.


Ms. Arguimbau said that after the demolition, the land will be seeded and ultimately this is a field.


Ms. Bingham wanted a breakdown of the $315,000 request for funding and suggests that the request states $300,000 for demolition and $15,000 for planning. She wants it clears for each phase.


Ms. Desberg said she is okay with the request being one figure of $315,000.


Ms. Cheyer stated that she would like a meeting within the community regarding the field.


Mr. O’Cain said it is hard to get an exact figure until the bid is put out.


Chair Snow said that by April 1st a plan should be ready for the stakeholders. He said the spot is popular and visible. He stated if we get started in January, it should be completed by April. The actual work for phase 2 may no be able to start until fall if the funds are not appropriated until Jul y 1st from the May Town Meeting.


Ms. Bingham said she sees Deborah Sampson field as an integral whole part. She has a feel for how it is used and wants the beauty balanced with the field needs.


Ms. Arguimbau said she does not see the need for the concept of planning, if it’s just a field.


Ms. Desberg asked how the amount of $15,000 was determined for planning. Ms. Friedman of the SHRC commented that we need someone to come up with a design, mark trees, irrigation, fertilizers, drainage, and survey land, and to review the layout to ensure that the dog and skating parks are not impacted. She wants safety and parking looked at as well.  She said that Amanda Sloan, a landscape designer suggested $15,000 for this purpose and said that the planning company would hold community meetings.


Chair Snow said that in terms of updates, he would like Chair Friedman to make the changes as the next step in the process.


Ms. Bingham moved to approve submittal of the Sacred Heart request subject to changes and the opportunity to discuss further at another meeting. Ms. Arguimbau seconded the motion and the Committee voted 6-0-0 in favor.


Both Ms. Cheyer and Ms. Arguimbau said they would like the tear down funds taken from the general fund. They would like to preserve the 10% allocation of the open space for land preservation.


Other Topics

1. Chair Snow said that purchase of land at Rattle Snake Hill will not be brought up at Fall Town Meeting.


2. Chair Snow said that he needs to work with Town Counsel on the wording of the articles.


3. Chair Snow said he will straighten out the financial issues



Ms. Bingham moved to approve the minutes of 10/10/12 as submitted. Mr. Bluestein seconded the motion and the Committee voted 4-0-2 (Desberg and Rich had been absent).



Sacred Heart Reuse Committee Application


Next Meetings

11/5 and 11/14



Chair Snow moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:00 PM and Ms. Bingham seconded the motion. The Committee voted 6-0-0 in favor.